The distribution of relevant information is a crucial part of the work of the Agronauts. To reach various target groups we use a range of different media from scientific publications up to films, radio reports, events, etc.
At 11.12.2015: Agrarecology presentation from Philipp Weckenbrock at Forum pro Schwarzwaldbauern (see article in Südkurier)
Presentation from von Dominique Bednarek about his bachelor thesis with the title “Kann sich Freiburg selbst ernähren?” (Is it possible for Freiburg to feed oneself?) at the Agrikulturfestival 2015 (audio file can be downloaded at GartenCoop)
Presentation from Peter Volz at Biofach 2014 about CSA in Europe (here)
Movie „Demoratisierung landwirtschaftlicher Forschung“ (Democratization of agricultural research)
Farmers and nomad from Perisa, Westafrica, India, Nepal and Andes came to us. They were proud of their own possessions, namely what you can sow and harvest to make a living. They were less interested in our high HP super technology. They could not understand that we buy certified seeds, breeding animals and fodder out of colourful catalogues. They were interested in the shared concerns how you can save agricultural values from the green revolution for the future? Democratization and agricultural research is our common goal. We intend to replace formulas from research and companies from the top (northern hemisphere) by a research with farmers and their regional experiences. Ground contact and food sovereignty instead of global market. Does the dignity of these shepherds and farmers from the South not demonstrate us the way out of our dependency? And a way in new communities?
Movie „Zurück in die Zukunft“ (Back in the future)
A movie about intergenerational learning in agriculture- Agronauts project with partners E.Stein Schule, Kubus3, Theater Freiburg and Franz Reichenbach
Movie „Schönheit und Ökonomie in den urbanen Gärten des Allmende Kontors in Berlin Tempelhofer Feld “(Beauty and economy in the urban gardens in the common land area at Berlin Tempelhofer Feld)
At 30 of April in 2014 the event “Schönheit und Ökonomie” (Beauty and economy) was happening at the Tempelhofer Feld in the urban gardens of the common land area. Organized from ALLMENDE KONTOR and the research association DIE AGRONAUTEN the question about our way of economizing and usage of common spaces was discussed and put into a cultural framework. The main topic was the value of urban gardens. This video gives impressions of this beautiful day.
Movie about the conference in Gernika, Basque region on “Commons”
In Spanish/ Basque
The conference took place in October 2014 in the historically interesting village of Gernika. Where crimes of the Nazis and Franco had taken place earlier, the future of agriculture in the Basque region, Europe and in the global context were discussed. Here you find the report about this very interesting event from one participant – Peter Volz- from Ehne Bizkaia and Mugarik Gabe
Other publications
Website Zukunft der Landwirtschaft: from where will my food come tomorrow? : It was designed for exhibitions about the future of agriculture on schools in Baden-Württemberg. Now this Website gives background information about different agricultural topics and tips for do it yourself.
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