Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Werner Konold
Spokesman of the german council of landscape management, member of MAB-national committee as well as various panels and advisory boards from the sectors nature protection, water management, research; holder of the Great Binding-Price for nature and environmental protection 2004.
Since 1997 holder of the chair for landscape management at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Main research topics: History and ecology of the cultural landscape with special consideration of driving forces, pasture farming and nature protection, hydrology, water history, regional and landscape development, new forms of land usage (e.g. agroforestry), climate change and clima change adaptations; projects in Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rumania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Mexiko.
Dr. habil. Ulrich Hoffmann
Worked as the head of the department for trade and sustainable development for the UN-conference for trade and development (UNCTAD). This department is in the framework of the UN-general assembly in charge for the analysis and international discussion on questions of trade and development policy. He is member of the “International Task-Force for harmonisation and equivalence of organic agriculture” from FAO/IFOAM/UNCTAD and the FAO/IFOAM/UNCTAD project “Enabling the global access to markets for organic products”. He worked detailed on standards for a good agricultural practice and is editor-in-chief of the annual report on trade and environment of the UNCTAD.
Prof. Dr. Uwe Pörksen
Professor emeritus for language and older literature. Especially well-known are his books “Plastikwörter” (Plastic words) and “Die politische Zunge: eine kurze Kritik der öffentlichen Rede “(The political tongue: a short critique of public speeches). Pörksen is member of the academy of science and literature and of the German academy of language and poetry, the German academy of natural scientists Leopoldina and of PEN.1988 with the Hermmann-Hesse-Preis, 1990 honoured with the German language prize.